Tag: Joshua Noyce

  • Introducing joshuanoyce.com 2.0

    Introducing joshuanoyce.com 2.0

    Well it has just been a few weeks since I have really started working on making my portfolio website great again. With this I am wanting to really focus on getting everything right and making it all work together. At the time of writing everything is good and up and running except the contact page. […]

  • What is upcoming?

    What is upcoming?

    I am still working on creating lots of websites and apps and thought I would let all of you know what the plan is for my website 2.0. There first thing is a responsive design. Right now the website looks okay on a desktop but does not look good on a mobile phone. The second […]

  • Welcome


    I would just like to be the first person to welcome you to my new blog. Over the course of this year I am learning web and mobile development and wanted to reboot my site and everything in it. Right now I am using a default WordPress theme but I plan on making this work […]